
UMT Mission

Army Chaplaincy  Corps Values


1. S= Spirituality: Seek  to know God/Supreme Saviors and yourself at the deepest level.
2. A= Accountability:  Hold yourself and others  to the moral and spiritual high ground  in every area of life.
3. C= Compassion:  Love in word and deed.
4. R= Religious Leadership: Model  spiritual  truths wisely and courageously.
5. E= Excellence:  Do your best  for God’s/ Supreme Savior's glory.
6. D= Diversity: Respect  the difference  of others

Army Values  


1. L= Loyalty: Bear  true  faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers.
2. D= Duty: Fulfill your obligations.
3. R= Respect: Treat people as they should be treated.
4. S= Selfless  Service:  Put  the welfare  of the Nation,  the Army, and your subordinates before your own.
5. H= Honor: Live up to all the Army values.
6. I= Integrity: Do what’s right, legally and morally.
7. P= Personal Courage: Face fear, danger  or adversity.

Unit Ministry Team (UMT)

             The UMT consists of a chaplain (CH 56A) and a Religious Affair Specialist (RAS 56M or chaplain assistant).  Together they move throughout the battalion area of operations providing religious support to the Commander, their Commander's staff, Company Commanders, NCOs, and soldiers. The chaplain assistant is a critical member of the team.  While he/she does provide security for a non-combatant chaplain, he/she has many other very important tasks in religious support operations. For more information about Religious Affair Specialist, click here.  

We have our responsibilities, but we are the Team.

Religious Affair Specialist Responsibilities

Force protection

Provide security for chaplain and chapel events

Battle track

Maintain proficiency with weapons

Coordinate tactical movement

Staff duties

Administer chaplain’s daily schedule

Police office work area

Receive reports from BN RAS

Record keeping and reporting

Maintain office and ecclesiastical supplies

Represent the chaplain at meetings

BUBs or staff Syncs as necessary

PMCS vehicle and equipment (5988E, car wash and “detail” weekly or as needed)

Conduct PCC/PCI before each mission

Advise chaplain on uniform, military customs and military courtesies

Arrange rides (in patrols or convoys or by helicopter) for RST to ministry locations

Chapel duties

Set up, take down for classes, services, ceremonies, special events

Prepare for services (location, advertising, bulletins, etc.)

Man chapel on staff duty day

Policing chapel on staff duty day

Soldier care

Morale visits

Stress evaluation

Suicide prevention

Religious material distribution

Counseling screening

Referrals to chaplain

Maintain Combat Life Saver skills

Assist in preparing the Commander’s Master Religious Support Plan (gathering information)

"Nurtue the living Care for the wounded Honor the fallen"