
Prayer in different occasions

In time of needs

 Prayer in time of need (all faith groups)

            Holy Savor, in my present need, please be aware of my anxiety and do what is best for me. Give me the strength, encouragement and support to overcome this difficult time.


Prayer for the wounded (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, please comport our wounded brother (sister) in his suffering. Give him courage when afraid, patience when afflicted, hope when dejected, and when alone assure him of the prayerful support.


Prayer in time of sorrow (all faith groups)

            Holy Savor, in your unconditioned love and mercy for us, show compassion to your people who are in sorrow. Be our refuge and our strength to lift us from the darkness of this grief to peace and joy in your presence.  


Prayer for the dying (all faith groups)

            Oh Holy Savor, Please looks with love and compassion on our dying brother (sister), and makes him (her) comfort with your compassion in his suffering and death. May he (she) frees from sin and rests in peace. Please bless his (her) loved one and family to overcome this difficult time.  


Prayer for the dying (Christian)

            God of power and mercy, you have made death itself, the gateway to eternal life. Look with love and compassion on our dying brother (sister), and make him (her) with your Son in his suffering and death, so that, sealed with the blood of Christ, may he (she) frees from sin and rests in peace. Please bless the loved one and family to overcome this difficult time. Amen. 

Prayer for the death (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, by your spiritual power. Please helps our brother (sister) to keep watch in your prayer at all times. We honor his/her sacrifice to our nation. May he (she) rests in peace. Please bless his (her) loved one and family to overcome this difficult time.  


Prayer for the death (Christian)

            Lord, our creator and redeemer, by your power Christ conquered death and returned to you in glory. Please helps him (her) to keep watch in your prayer at all times. We honor his/her sacrifice to our nation. May all your people who have gone before us in faith share his (her) victory and enjoy the vision of your glory forever. Amen.


In time of Peace

Prayer for justice and peace (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, may your love and compassion enkindle (inspire) in all of us a love for the many unfortunate people whom poverty and misery reduce to a condition of life unworthy of human beings. Oh, my Savor, peace in our days, peace to our souls, peace to our family, peace to our country, and peace among nations.


Prayer for family (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, watch over my family, encourage them when we are separated during deployment (training), give them health of mind and body.


In the meeting


Prayer for guidance (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, please guide us, in our daily efforts to do well and succeed at our job. We sometime make mistakes. Please encourage us, strengthen us, and restore our confidence to look after and support each other. Please bless us to continue to grow with strength and confidence.We ask Your strength and guidance throughout this day, that we may do our best to serve our country.


In social gathering


Prayer before meals (all faith groups)

            Our Saver, we thank you for your goodness to us. We thank you for those farmers, kitchen staffs and sponsors who prepare our meal. May our mind and body happy and healthy to help our family, others and country. Please bless our meal.


Prayer for the Army (all faith groups)

            We pray for strength and protection to our soldiers and country. My Savor, please support them in battle, in time of war, and in time of training. Keep them safe from all evils and dangers. Endow them with courage and loyally.


Prayer for Military Chaplains (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, bless and protect military chaplains and fill them with joy and courage of their vocation as personal ministers of all faith groups. 


In time of War


Prayer in time of war (all faith groups)

            Oh, my Savor, please protect us from violence and keep us safe from weapons of hate. Give me strength to do my duty, not in the spirit of hate or lust of battle, but from a sense of duty and patriotism.


Prayer for Prisoners Of War (all faith groups)

            Oh, our Savor, some of our comrades and companions are prisoners of war.  Comfort them, we pray, in their isolation from their homes and loved ones; supply their needs and protect them from harms, strengthen and sustain them day after day that they may facediscouragement with courage and hardship with resolution. Grant they may find patience to endure and peace in the knowledge of Your continuing presence.


Invocation   (Opening Prayers)

             Oh, our Savor, we thank You for bringing us together this day.  Inspire us to worthy deeds and sound decisions and direct us toward the attainment of our goal. Please bless the United States of America, and grant that this Nation may live in peace among the nations of the world.  We pray also, for our comrades in hospitals or in homes, who are suffering from mental and physical illness or disability. Comfort them with a sense of Your continuing presence, cheer them with the knowledge of Your love, and grant them the blessings of health and happiness. 


Benediction (Closing Prayers)

             Oh, our Savor, at the close of this meeting, we remember our comrades now departed this life.  We honor them for their loyalty to our Country, for their good deeds, and for their friendship.  May they rest in peace. We remember our members who are experiencing difficult times in the front line.  For them and their families, we pray for strength and courage. In the silence of this moment, we dedicate ourselves anew to our God and our Country. Let us drive safely and carefully to our homes.